Ways To Make Sunshine

 Hello again! Today I'm reviewing the book Ways To Make Sunshine. This book is also on the 2023 NTB list. The author of this book is Renée Watson. I think this book is great! This book is a chapter book, but it has great quality! Here is a pic of the book. This book is about... Ryan's name means "king," that she is a leader, and she is determined to keep growing into the name her parents have given her. She is all about seeing the best in people, to be a good daughter, sister, and friend. But Ryan has a lot on her mind. For instance: Dad finally has a new job, though money is still tight. That means moving into a new (old) house, and Dad is still working the night shift. ( Wow that sucks!) And with the 4th grade talent show coming up, Ryan wonders what talent she can perform in front everyone without freezing. As even more changes and obstacles come her way, Ryan always  finds a way forward and shows she is a girl how knows how to glow. This book is definitely not a waste of your time, I can assure you that. My fav. character is Ryan. My least fav. character is Ryan's brother.  I guess that's it for today! Byee!!!!!!! ~Artemis
                                                             (FYI this is my profile pic)


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